The First Annual Digital Health Executive Compensation Study

We are extremely excited to share the results of our First Annual Digital Health Executive Compensation Study. If I had a dollar for every time we had a conversation with a client or candidate about market compensation for a role, I might already be retired. It’s also the most common call I get from executives looking for guidance in their searches, even when the opportunities aren’t with our clients. Towards the end of 2020, we launched a survey of the market across all functions, focused on executives at the Director level and above. We didn’t just want to get better data to answer the basic questions. We were also curious about the other variables that affect compensation – gender, race, negotiating, etc. We wanted to know how much of a driver compensation is for executives to make career moves. We wanted to understand the impact that Covid had on executive compensation last year. And we wanted to know, at baseline, how people felt. It’s fascinating to see how often (or not) sentiment lines up with reality.
As it turns out, administering the survey was the easy part! After closing the polls in late January, we’ve spent a lot of time pouring over the data, distilling these insights, and making them digestible for you. For our inaugural run, we’re quite pleased with the participation we received, and are now even more excited to run this again in Q4 of this year. Until then, we hope this information helps you make informed career choices, hiring decisions, and plan for the year. 2021 is already shaping up to be the most competitive year for talent in our industry in a decade, so let this be one tool in your kit as you build companies that change the world.
If you don’t see yourself represented in this study, please reach out to me personally, or to