Welcoming Our Newest Principal: Stephanie Sutsko

Author —
Tim Gordon

As Q4 rolled right into Q1, and the pace of growth and hiring in Digital Health showed exactly zero signs of slowing, we knew it was time to grow our team again. This is something we’ve done deliberately over the years in response to client demand, and that we take very seriously, seeing as we’re in the business of hiring. As we searched for a senior leader to join our team, we couldn’t have been more thrilled to find Stephanie Sutsko. In her, we found someone with extensive experience leading executive searches for some of the most recognized companies in the world, coupled with a passion for healthcare. We thought she’d be a great addition to our team, and she’s already making a huge impact. She and I traded a few questions in the hopes you can get to know her the way we have. I’d encourage you to reach out and get acquainted.

Tim: You’ve been in search for a while now. What do you love about it?

Stephanie: I love that executive search allows me to be a true consultant and strategic advisor to my clients while having a real impact on both businesses and individuals.  In search, we need to be attuned to our clients’ institutional culture and leadership dynamics, constantly informed about their evolving external landscape, and have a deep understanding of the vision they are trying to achieve. Being able to match these insights with the right talent that will allow the companies to reach and potentially exceed their goals is what motivates me to do my job every day, and being able to attract those leaders and develop them as candidates is deeply fulfilling.

Tim: What’s your personal draw to healthcare?

Stephanie: I started in healthcare right out of college. I spent about a decade in clinical research for the pharmaceutical industry prior to shifting my focus to Executive Search, and the space has always remained near and dear to my heart. At my previous firm, we touched on healthcare, but were generalists in nature, albeit with a technology focus. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for technology and healthcare to come together for the sake of patient care has never been more apparent. It was the right time for me to focus back on an industry that I am extremely passionate about and where there is so much opportunity.

What are you most excited about for 2021?

Stephanie: From a professional standpoint, I am excited to become an integral member of the Aequitas team and to deliver great service to our clients. The overarching mission of our clients is so important; healthcare needs to evolve and our firm can help the companies at the forefront of that evolution achieve the growth they need to succeed through leadership.

Personally, I am excited to see friends and family again. My son was born right before the pandemic began, so many of the people I’m close with have never met him in person. 2020 was tough on all of us, and now that the vaccine rollout is happening, I am eagerly looking forward to some return to normalcy.

Tim: Your bio mentions you are a roller coaster enthusiast. Can you explain?

Stephanie: Yes I am! Roller coasters are a thing for me. I have tried to go to an amusement park every year for my birthday since I was 18, with the exception of the two years I have been pregnant and last year because of COVID. My five-year old daughter loves every ride she is tall enough to get on, so I have a feeling she’ll be joining me soon. Luckily, Six Flags is open again so I’ll be back at it this year for sure.

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